About Us

In an effort to get ready for our wedding, Sam and Cara will be creating wedding pages. The first is About Us, which provides some background about us, and how we got to this momentus occasion.

The Bride

Cara Lei Waters is currently residing in Calgary working for Chrysler Financial as a Wholesale Inventory Auditor.

The Groom

Sam Anthony Leitch is currently residing in Calgary. He has completed his Master’s of Science in Physics and is currently working for Shaw as a multimedia communications services planner.

How we met

Sam and Cara were good friends in high school. We spent time together during school with mutual groups of friends. Both went to the University of Saskatchewan for Engineering after high school. We parted ways for a year while Cara took some time of school, and Sam continued in Engineer Physics. We met up again at Cara’s "I passed Math 110" party to celebrate Cara’s reenterance to university in the college of Commerce.

Our first date

A few days after the "I passed Math 110" party, We went out for a night of dancing with mutual friends. During that evening, Sam asked Cara out to a movie. Cara was surprised on the night of the movie that it was only the two of them, and didn’t realize it was a "date" until they had arrived in the theatre. The movie was "The Truman Show" at Centre Cinemas.

We knew we were in love when

Sam and Cara spent the next few months together constantly. We were together while spending time with friends, as well as developing pur relationship alone. In February of 1999 we took a trip to Kimberley, BC. The vacation was fanatistic, but on our way home, we got trapped in the Calgary airport for 16 hours. However, being trapped in an airport made it feel like days. During this stressful time, Cara knew she had fallen in love. Sam can’t make up his mind exactly when he "knew he was in love" but if Sam wasn’t in love before that trip, that would have done it.

We were engaged on

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

Story of our engagement

It all starts with the "Fate" ring as I call it. In first year university Sam discovered this ring in while attempting to find something lost down the drain. The p-trap contained what looked like a very dirty child’s play ring.Sam took it out of the p-trap goo and gave it to his mother… "Merry Christmas! have a gross black play ring." Cleaning and closer inspection revealed it was a diamond solitaire with a somewhat unique 5 point setting and a simple gold band. Sam kept the ring, and planned to pawn it for cash to help pay for university. Sam, being a little lazy, saved the ring in his "treasure chest" and put it in the back of his mind. Four years later, Sam decided that it was time for him to let Cara know that he wanted to be with her forever. He didn’t have a lot of money for a ring at the time, but if Sam was going to buy a ring, it would probably look something like the ring he had hiding in his treasure chest. He offered the ring to Cara and if fit perfectly.

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