The estimated due date…

Well, I am now at my due date and feel huge. The last doctors appointment says that I am only 2 cm dilated and baby seems to be quite comfortable in the womb. I have experienced every pre-labour sign known to the web for the last two weeks. I have decided that these are NOT pre-labour signs but just things that happen at the end of pregnancy. I have tried numerous ways to induce from castor oil and lots of walking to accupressure. Nothing seems to work.

On a brighter note, the doctor says that our stubborn son will be born on or before my birthday in ten days. Let us all wish that he comes sooner as my belly is so big that my doctor has stopped telling me how big I really am… last measure was 46 cm at week 38+4days. Joy!

Well hopefully my next post will be to introduce our little stubborn angel.

3 thoughts on “The estimated due date…

  1. Hey Guys…

    Just thought I’d check and see how you were doing, and saw that it was getting close to “go” time. Wishing you well whenever this guy decides to make his entrance. Give us a call when things are less hectic…

    watsrob gmail com

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