Well the second trimester is almost at an end with one week remaining… I am feeling very large now and know the worst is yet to come. We haven’t done anything to the spare room, soon to be baby room, but I think everything has been ordered.
We still do not have a name picked out for our little one… but are leaning toward Lucas Oliver Leitch aka LOL. I am sure we will be thinking about names once the 30 week ultrasound comes back.
Our son is nothing like Sam and I as he is very active. He loves to kick, punch and squirm throughout the day. At least he is not keeping me awake at night, although my uncomfortable belly does that on its own.
Hi! Nice to see your picture and nice to hear from you. You look great Cara. We’re looking forward to seeing you both in July. Drive carefully.
Love, Grandma and Grandpa D.
THankfully my ankles and feet didn’t swell until right near the end. Steven was also very active, flipping from one side to another. He was pretty calm as a baby but as he’s gotten older he’s back into his restless and very active stage. Good luck!
LOVE that the initials are LOL.
Also really appreciate the pics and being kept up to date! 🙂
Glad to hear everything is going well!
Hmmn…no reason for that last response to be anonymous except that I forgot to type my name.
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