I wanna walk in the weekend to end cancer but they say I'm not good enough


The weekend to end breast cancer recently added other women’s cancers to the cause. Unfortunately, us regular people find the $2000 per person minimum donation quite extraordinary. I want to walk in the weekend to end cancer but how do I raise $2000.  This year marks the 10th anniversary of our mothers passing and I really believe in this cause.

To pledge, please go to this website…

If you are on Facebook, please join the group “I wanna walk in the weekend to end cancer but they say I’m not good enough.” We will be updating all the people who are helping us along the way.  Thank you all for pledging.

Cara's ever growing tummy and other baby news

It is by popular demand that I post a picture of my ever growing belly. I find it to be a little bigger then what it should be, but are told that every pregnancy is different. I have not gained any weight and in fact have actually lost a few pounds. So maybe I was more fit then I thought I was.

Tummy Shot 2

I am feeling quite a bit better in the 2nd trimester then in the first. In the first, I felt nausea quite a bit but lucky for me, was never sick. Then the 2nd trimester hit and I got the stomach flu. Happy happy, Joy joy! Now that that is over with, I am feeling as normal as someone with a baby growing inside her would feel. Every once in a while I am dizzy, tired or just plain uncomfortable but all to be expected.

Next week will be our 18 week diagnostic ultrasound to ensure everything is going well and to find out the gender. Sam and I have also decided to partake in 3D/4D Ultrasounds, these will be taken at 20 weeks and 30 weeks. This way we get to see what our baby looks like before he or she enters the world. They will also confirm the gender of our baby to be. For those of you who have never seen 3D Ultrasounds… go to uc-baby.com and look at the gallery. The pictures there are amazing. I have spoken to a lot of mothers and fathers and all recommend the entertainment ultrasound. If you wish to be added to the live broadcasting of our 3D/4D Ultrasound, please comment back and we can add you to the list.

That is it for baby news… keep watching back for more pics and updates.

It's a baby

It’s official. We’re having a baby. It’s due Sept 19th. We had our first ultrasound today and all indications say it’s healthy and active. We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, although it really tried to show us (check the gallery by clicking the picture).


New Puppy!

We have a new addition to our household. A little 3 month-old Shih Tzu named Basil. He’s about 10 lbs and black and white in color.
He’ a little suck and hasn’t left our side for more 30s when we’re not at work. He walks great (when he’s not distracted) and loves to play in the park. We’ve almost managed to convince him that the pad upstairs is the only place to pee…almost. I’m sure he’ll train us soon enough.

We're in

We’re in our new place now, and getting settled. I just realized I hadn’t mentioned that.
We’ve been here almost 4 weeks now, but unfortunately only 1 full weekend. With our busy social calendar (Hahaha) and Cara’s work schedule, we haven’t had a lot of time to settle. It’s getting there, though.
I’ll post a nice walkthrough once we get it the way we like it.

The flooring is done

We went to the new place to take a look today and the flooring is all done. So they just have some plumbing, cabinetry and appliances to finish before the end of the week.

There are more pictures as well.

The back of the building.

Condo Pics

We finally remembered to bring our camera to the condo complex to take some shots of the place. It was our intention to take pictures of the progression, since it didn’t have siding when we bought it. Unfortunately we kept forgetting. Luckily they’re still building more buildings on the complex that look exactly the same, so we just took pictures of them instead 🙂

The back of the building.

We are anchoring ship…

Star log 03/24/2007… this week we have discovered land in the far off coast of Calgary… we call it New Brighton… ok enough of that. This week Sam and I have found a townhouse in the english community of New Brighton. It is on the far southeast side of the city just a hop, skip and a jump away from both the Deerfoot and the 22X. We are buying a spec home but still get to pick colours, carpets and stuff like like. The complex is called Mosaic and can be viewed at www.hawthorne-homes.com and clicking the Calgary link. From there find the bright orange square… click on that and you have our complex. We selected the Libero floorplan with the rear kitchen and the three bedrooms upstairs. We also have an end unit so there are extra windows and square footage on the top floor. It is scheduled to be finished late May/early June.

In other news, we just finished celebrating our one year anniversary. Yeah us!!! For this we took a trip to San Francisco and saw all the sites. You can view pics on the gallery site… my favorite is Sam as a china man. Go check it out… too funny. We also got to do lots of shopping, view the Golden Gate, play in the Science Center, and generally have lots of fun.

Well I think that is everything in the world of Sam and Cara… stay tuned for the next episode, same Leitch time, same Leitch station. Signing out… CareBear

I'm Promoted !!!

It's official Cara has been promoted to Retail Credit Analyst. In this position, Cara is responsible for analyzing and decisioning retail and lease credit offerings and building mutually beneficial relationships with Chrysler retailers. She starts on October 30th.  Cara has only been with DaimlerChrysler Financial Services for two years and is thrilled to be able to move into this position. This will allow her to use the education she worked so hard to recieve. Congratulations!

Wow Six Months come and gone…

Well in August was our official six month anniversary, and we are still happy….phew.

The happy couple are still in Calgary but now have the bug to move again… Sam's influence on the subject. He has the craving to move towards the center of the universe… That's right Toronto. So we are looking at all the options and are currently "seriously" thinking about it. We are both at the right time in our life with no house, kids or anything to hold us back. So generally speaking it is the best time to think about it… but that is all we are doing at this point in time… Thinking about it. Don't start jumping to conclusions yet. We got lots of time.

We are also both at the same jobs… me at DaimlerChrysler Financial Services in Collections/Customer Service and Sam at Shaw Communications as well… a guy that programs a lot of stuff that I don't get to see, or something along that line. I am very happy and could possibly get promoted right away and Sam is still trying to program stuff I don't understand by try desperatly too.

We are also still looking but not really looking for a house. You see the market is slowing down which means houses are actually starting (emphasis on the starting) to sell at prices that they are worth. All good except they are still too much for us. So I guess we are not going to be buying anything any time soon, but we are still looking.