We went to the new place to take a look today and the flooring is all done. So they just have some plumbing, cabinetry and appliances to finish before the end of the week.
There are more pictures as well.
We finally remembered to bring our camera to the condo complex to take some shots of the place. It was our intention to take pictures of the progression, since it didn’t have siding when we bought it. Unfortunately we kept forgetting. Luckily they’re still building more buildings on the complex that look exactly the same, so we just took pictures of them instead 🙂
Spam is everywhere on the internet. I’m pretty sure I’ve read somewhere that the majority of email messages sent are spam. Blogs are also not immune to the aggravation of spam. My last blog got over 1000 nonsense comments posted in the blink of an eye. The messages came in faster than I could delete them.
I installed this spam blocker in this page when I updated the software. It’s designed to look for traits common to spam messages (like 30 links to porn sites or the word Viagra throughout). After I got it up and running, I was amazed how well it worked. It stopped over 750 messages within a 2 week period.
I looked at it today, and there was only 1 message left in my junk box. It appears I have held the line and made the spammers give up. Hooray!
Unfortunately, now I’m on my own if I’m looking for sources of non-brand name prescription drugs.
We made a visit to the new condo today to show Kim. It’s getting closer and closer to completion. The drywall’s done and the subfloors are installed. Looks like we’ll get to move in around the end of June.
The new page has comments (like the old page), but this time I have a spam filter. That means that anyone can post a comment (no registration required) but the nasty spammers that plagued my old page are kept out. In fact, I’ve blocked over 750 spam messages in the past 2 weeks alone.
Anyway, leave us a hello if you read this.
Star log 03/24/2007… this week we have discovered land in the far off coast of Calgary… we call it New Brighton… ok enough of that. This week Sam and I have found a townhouse in the english community of New Brighton. It is on the far southeast side of the city just a hop, skip and a jump away from both the Deerfoot and the 22X. We are buying a spec home but still get to pick colours, carpets and stuff like like. The complex is called Mosaic and can be viewed at www.hawthorne-homes.com and clicking the Calgary link. From there find the bright orange square… click on that and you have our complex. We selected the Libero floorplan with the rear kitchen and the three bedrooms upstairs. We also have an end unit so there are extra windows and square footage on the top floor. It is scheduled to be finished late May/early June.
In other news, we just finished celebrating our one year anniversary. Yeah us!!! For this we took a trip to San Francisco and saw all the sites. You can view pics on the gallery site… my favorite is Sam as a china man. Go check it out… too funny. We also got to do lots of shopping, view the Golden Gate, play in the Science Center, and generally have lots of fun.
Well I think that is everything in the world of Sam and Cara… stay tuned for the next episode, same Leitch time, same Leitch station. Signing out… CareBear
In the classic method that I have for just deciding to up and change things, I’ve decided to up and change things again. This is the new article engine for nugger.net. It’s a much better tool for writing posts to inform people about what’s going on. It’s not a very good site for displaying pictures or having a forum. But, I have a better piece of software for displaying pictures (gallery) and I dropped the forums a long time ago. Meanwhile, the new software also works with PHP5/FastCGI so pages should load faster.
Small tools that do their job well, not big tools that do many things poorly.
BTW, all of the old posts from the two previous versions of nugger.net have been imported to the new nugger.net. The old ones will probably vanish very soon.
I've updated the photo gallery software and finally moved all of the old photos over to it.
The new software (aptly called Gallery) is a nicer interface, has better upload options and even allows you to order prints right from the site.
You'll have to register with the new software. It's not smart enough to know all of the username/passwords for this site. However, once you do, you can create your own gallery and start uploading wonderful pictures.
I really wanted to get a better system to look at photos before I put Gina's photos online. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet. I've decided to put Gina's pictures up on this site for now, regardless of how much of a pain it was.
The gallery is available here.
Also, there's a new version of Shaw Photo Share available. To celebrate that, Shaw is holding a contest and our photos are used as a sample of a contest entry.
Well, I was used as a contest sample entry.