It's official Cara has been promoted to Retail Credit Analyst. In this position, Cara is responsible for analyzing and decisioning retail and lease credit offerings and building mutually beneficial relationships with Chrysler retailers. She starts on October 30th. Cara has only been with DaimlerChrysler Financial Services for two years and is thrilled to be able to move into this position. This will allow her to use the education she worked so hard to recieve. Congratulations!
Wow Six Months come and gone…
Well in August was our official six month anniversary, and we are still happy….phew.
The happy couple are still in Calgary but now have the bug to move again… Sam's influence on the subject. He has the craving to move towards the center of the universe… That's right Toronto. So we are looking at all the options and are currently "seriously" thinking about it. We are both at the right time in our life with no house, kids or anything to hold us back. So generally speaking it is the best time to think about it… but that is all we are doing at this point in time… Thinking about it. Don't start jumping to conclusions yet. We got lots of time.
We are also both at the same jobs… me at DaimlerChrysler Financial Services in Collections/Customer Service and Sam at Shaw Communications as well… a guy that programs a lot of stuff that I don't get to see, or something along that line. I am very happy and could possibly get promoted right away and Sam is still trying to program stuff I don't understand by try desperatly too.
We are also still looking but not really looking for a house. You see the market is slowing down which means houses are actually starting (emphasis on the starting) to sell at prices that they are worth. All good except they are still too much for us. So I guess we are not going to be buying anything any time soon, but we are still looking.
Gina's Pictures
Hey everyone,
We recieved the link to our wedding pictures.
If you would like a sneak peak, please visit her site at…
Happy Two Month Anniversary!
Well we are officially married and have the certificate to prove it. The thank you cards are still being written and the photos keep coming in. I must say married life is great. We should have done this years ago. (lol)
I am also happy to say that I am officially off the road and have moved to collecting. (The easy ones between 15 – 30 days past due) It is so nice to come home every night and spend the evening with Sammy. (Yeah yeah I know… Newly Weds!) Sam is also still enjoying his job although I never quite understand what program or cool thing he is doing next, but if it makes him happy then so am I.
Well that is all the news I can think of. Take care everyone.
Grampa and Gramma are home again.
Hi! Sammy and Cara:
How are you guys? Happy as ever I imagine.
We got home last night from our three month stay in BC. We had a great time even though it rained a lot. We did lots of visiting with other friends who were out there for the winter. We enjoyed looking at the scenery around the island and did lots of exploring when it wasn't raining.. Ate lots of fish meals, especially Oysters. Everything is nice and green and all the cherry blossoms are blooming. But. it's nice to be home again.
We had a good trip home from your wedding. We had a good time. It was great seeing you again. You both looked so nice. We hope you have a long and happy life together. We have been looking at all of the wedding pictures that are posted on your website. They are all very nice. Looks like everyone had a good time. We hope you like our pictures too.. I'm looking forward to seeing the ones that the wedding photographer took.
Well, I have to get off the computer now. Grampa and Jordy are complaining that I should be making supper ha ha.. Grampa is going to BBQ steaks. It's nice here today. Take care of each other and stay happy.
And even more new wedding pictures
It took me a little while to get these ones up, but there are 2 new galleries of wedding pictures.
I'm still working on the pictures I got from dad. It's taking a while to organize them into galleries.
More Wedding Pictures
I managed to get another couple batches of wedding pictures.
I'm still waiting for Dad to upload the pictures from the gift opening.
If you're reading this…
Add a comment. I'm just interested to see who stops by.
The first batch of photos are up
I'm pretty sure they are from Maryanne and someone, but I don't know who that second someone is.
Anyway, they're in the photo gallery.
Tripod's "Gonna make you happy tonight"
I do not like the idea of giving music away that "should" otherwise be paid for, assuming it's worth the price. To me, music from Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson is hardly worth my time, let alone the price of a CD. However, the song that was played at my wedding (Tripod's Gonna make you happy tonight) is worth the price.
Some people have asked me for a copy of the song so here it is. However, if you really like it and want to share it like we did, please go buy the CD from places like (in fact here's a link to the album). If it plays instead of downloading when you hit the link, right click and hit “Save as…”.
If you just want to hear the song again, here's a video of the song posted on Google Video and a video of part of the song recorded at the wedding.