The estimated due date…

Well, I am now at my due date and feel huge. The last doctors appointment says that I am only 2 cm dilated and baby seems to be quite comfortable in the womb. I have experienced every pre-labour sign known to the web for the last two weeks. I have decided that these are NOT pre-labour signs but just things that happen at the end of pregnancy. I have tried numerous ways to induce from castor oil and lots of walking to accupressure. Nothing seems to work.

On a brighter note, the doctor says that our stubborn son will be born on or before my birthday in ten days. Let us all wish that he comes sooner as my belly is so big that my doctor has stopped telling me how big I really am… last measure was 46 cm at week 38+4days. Joy!

Well hopefully my next post will be to introduce our little stubborn angel.

We are now at term…

Well I am now 37 weeks pregnant but I am measuring at 41 weeks… yes I am that big. So the doctor on Wednesday thinks our little one will be born within the next week and a half. I am crossing my fingers as I really do not want a really big baby… hopefully if he comes early then he can be average. They also say that I now have gestational diabetes but nothing to worry about this close to termĀ  (the baby is already really big). I have been referred to the diabetes during pregnancy clinic to learn how to monitor what I eat and to start measuring by blood sugar levels. The only concern at this point is the baby’s insulin levels at birth… if I continue to eat a lot of glucose, he could have high insulin levels.

I am also starting to dilate so things seem to be moving along. I now have doctor appointments every week and get one more ultrasound next Wednesday. I also went for my last massage before birth today and loved it… did you know they actually have beds with holes in it for pregos like me. Although now I am having mild contractions in my back… how lovely.

Other then that I am still feeling pretty good but am ready to have my body to myself rather then share. Sleep is becoming harder to make reality. Sam is being super supportive and is trying to help and stay out of the way the best he can. Ah yes and most importantly, my last day of work was yesterday so everything is starting to become very real. Well that is about all I can say… watch for the last pics of super huge me and our little one to be.

Entering the home stretch

UC Baby Image

8 weeks left and counting. In theory that is. There’s a 5% chance that there’s 8 weeks left. and a 95% chance that it’s between 6 and 10 weeks. Cara’s hoping for more like 6.

The second and final 4D ultrasound is complete. It took a little while to encode the video, but it’s ready to good now. The video can be seen at:

The rest of the photos from the session are up as well. Click on the picture to see the whole set.

Last week of the Second Trimester

Well the second trimester is almost at an end with one week remaining… I am feeling very large now and know the worst is yet to come. We haven’t done anything to the spare room, soon to be baby room, but I think everything has been ordered.

We still do not have a name picked out for our little one… but are leaning toward Lucas Oliver Leitch aka LOL. I am sure we will be thinking about names once the 30 week ultrasound comes back.

Our son is nothing like Sam and I as he is very active. He loves to kick, punch and squirm throughout the day. At least he is not keeping me awake at night, although my uncomfortable belly does that on its own.

Cara at 6 months

We are half way there…

Well 20 weeks and counting…
Last week we went to get a check up and ultrasound done. The baby’s looking nice and healthy. We found out he’s a he, which is great.
This week we went to UC-Baby to get our 4D ultrasound done. It was neat. the pictures from the session are in the baby photo gallery. The video from the session can be viewed here. Warning the video requires a high-speed internet connection to view.

Now that we’ve seen what he looks like, we’re trying to decide on names. Front-runners come and go with the tide, but hopefully we can think of something in the next 20 weeks.

Cara's ever growing tummy and other baby news

It is by popular demand that I post a picture of my ever growing belly. I find it to be a little bigger then what it should be, but are told that every pregnancy is different. I have not gained any weight and in fact have actually lost a few pounds. So maybe I was more fit then I thought I was.

Tummy Shot 2

I am feeling quite a bit better in the 2nd trimester then in the first. In the first, I felt nausea quite a bit but lucky for me, was never sick. Then the 2nd trimester hit and I got the stomach flu. Happy happy, Joy joy! Now that that is over with, I am feeling as normal as someone with a baby growing inside her would feel. Every once in a while I am dizzy, tired or just plain uncomfortable but all to be expected.

Next week will be our 18 week diagnostic ultrasound to ensure everything is going well and to find out the gender. Sam and I have also decided to partake in 3D/4D Ultrasounds, these will be taken at 20 weeks and 30 weeks. This way we get to see what our baby looks like before he or she enters the world. They will also confirm the gender of our baby to be. For those of you who have never seen 3D Ultrasounds… go to and look at the gallery. The pictures there are amazing. I have spoken to a lot of mothers and fathers and all recommend the entertainment ultrasound. If you wish to be added to the live broadcasting of our 3D/4D Ultrasound, please comment back and we can add you to the list.

That is it for baby news… keep watching back for more pics and updates.

It's a baby

It’s official. We’re having a baby. It’s due Sept 19th. We had our first ultrasound today and all indications say it’s healthy and active. We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, although it really tried to show us (check the gallery by clicking the picture).


Happy Holidays!

This is my favorite time of year where we all get together and share the spirit of family and stuff… ok so I like getting lots of vacation and getting gifts but I really do love the spirit of Christmas time. Basil, Sam and I hope to be able to see all our extended family throughout the month of December. So watch for us on your doorsteps. This will also be Basil’s first Christmas… I really hope he likes the tree and lets us keep ours up… December 2nd will be the big day. (Lately he has decided that shredding paper is lots of fun… should make opening presents fun) Well that is all I can think of right now. Again hope to see all of you soon.

Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings

New Puppy!

We have a new addition to our household. A little 3 month-old Shih Tzu named Basil. He’s about 10 lbs and black and white in color.
He’ a little suck and hasn’t left our side for more 30s when we’re not at work. He walks great (when he’s not distracted) and loves to play in the park. We’ve almost managed to convince him that the pad upstairs is the only place to pee…almost. I’m sure he’ll train us soon enough.

We're in

We’re in our new place now, and getting settled. I just realized I hadn’t mentioned that.
We’ve been here almost 4 weeks now, but unfortunately only 1 full weekend. With our busy social calendar (Hahaha) and Cara’s work schedule, we haven’t had a lot of time to settle. It’s getting there, though.
I’ll post a nice walkthrough once we get it the way we like it.